Languages Courses...

Over the years I have compiled quite a bit of language resources. Currently I have a course which was part of the original Look Listen Learn with 3 languages (French, Spanish and German) in 6 courses, of words and phrases but the vocabulary chapters have about 50 words, which can be a bit daunting. However, I had the opportunity to obtain audio of all of the vocabulary for these lessons. I originally titled these courses “My Language Coach”.

Later I was able to obtain a lengthy list of over 2,000 words in 4 different languages (French, Spanich, German and italian). Because they were in a single file, I was able to sort them by frequency of use (based on the English word) and created lessons of aboout 25 words, a much easier amount. since it's not divided into files, the questions per lesson are detemined by the script, so that number can be variable (from 5 to 50 or more words per lesson). I titled that course “Online Language School”.

More recently I was able to obtain a massive collection of foreign words, matched to their English equivalent, sorted by frequency (apparently of the English word). There are about 2,000 words per language of 30 different languages. While this is a great start, to use them the student must first learn the letters (even romance languages like French and Spanish have a few diofferent letters which must be learned), the pronunciation and then the vocabulary and phrases. So while I can offer them as quizzes, I will need to go through them one at a time and create letter, then pronunciation quizzes. I would then need to compile some common phrases, unless I can find a collection of phrases from some source as organized as this original list. For now I'll dub this collection “OmniLingual”.

That being said, since each course has it's own pros and cons, it was hard for me to pick just one. So, in spite of the duplication, I'll offer all three. “My Language Coach” offers vocabulary and phrases in three languages, as well as audio for the words and many of the phrases. “Online Language School” offers a more simple approach to four langauges and I will make the course structure more variable, and many of the vocabulary (unfortunately not all) will have audio. “OmniLingual” will have the variable benefit and audio for some of the words in three of the languages, but 30 different languages.

I found a good source for audio for all of the words and phrases for all of the languages, but it will cost $100 a month to access the service. I can store the audio files, but I'm not sure how long I will need to grab 60,000 some-odd audio files. So for now the vocabulary without audio will still be useful for those who alreayd know the pronunciation but want to increase their vocabulary.