This school is the original language school for Look Listen Learn. It has 3 languages (French, Spanish and German) in 5 courses. Lessons contain words or phrases but the vocabulary chapters have about 50 words with audio for most of the words for these lessons.

The LookListenLearn Quizzing method becomes its own lesson. The initial quiz is used to learn the material. If you don't know the answer, guess, and pay attention to which answer is correct. Repeat each quiz until you get 100%

When you finished the FTE (Foreign to English) and the ETF (English to Foreign) quiz with 100%, begin again, but this time toggle the "Hide Answers" button. This way you think of the right answer then click the "Show Answer" button to see if you were correct, and select the appropriate response. Obviously this level requires your honesty and is provided to cement your learning, and the only person you cheat if you're not honest is yourself.

French I
Invitation au Français
French II
Invitation au Français
German I
Einladung zum Deutschen

Spanish I
Invitación al Español
Spanish II
Invitación al Español